We are Haggai

Haggai Bank has always been an institution destined for great things. While the bank started as a finance company in the year 1994, there was no doubt that the moves were going to go beyond corporate financing. As a faith-based organization, there was more than hunches and business schemes backing the move into new terrains.

It was in the year 2008 that Haggai Bank became a mortgage bank. Since then, it has moved on to become Nigeria's leading mortgage bank in the country with several global recognitions.

Its commitment to making home acquisition easy has seen the trailblazing mortgage institution financed ten different estates of varying numbers of houses at the redemption camp with two financed estates in Maryland Lagos and one estate in Abuja.

The bank is committed to deploying its resources to ensure access to proper and befitting housing to members of the mission and non-members while amassing clients and customers across the nation.

Core Values

I Integrity
C Customer Service Orientation
E Expertise
Our Vision
Working with the master builder to touch lives by providing quality mortgage services and homes.

Our Mission

Providing quality shelter that touch lives.

We Care About You!

Keeping everyone happy is a hard task, but we try our best. We have always been dedicated to our customers, and the numbers show it.







We are always available to discuss your mortgage and banking goals.
Email: info@haggaibank.com, or Call 07045994840